Can CBD Help Quit Alcohol

CBD for Alcoholism

Everyone gets curious about alcohol, at a certain age. Most people do go ahead and try it, either by choice or due to peer pressure. Alcohol consumed in a limited amount is understandable, since it may help a human feel a little more at ease and uplifted. People often consume alcohol while celebrating an occasion, such as a festival like Christmas or an occasion like a birthday or a wedding ceremony.

As you may already know, alcohol comes in different forms; from spirits or hard liquor that contain more than about 25% A.B.V., to milder forms such as wine and beer than contain only 5-6% A.B.V., it comes in a wide range for one to choose from.

In fact, many countries and states make different kinds of alcohols of their own, that may be distributed exclusively in that area/ country/ state. A couple of such examples may include Palinka from Hungary and Feni from Goa (a state in India). Also, these days in order to make things fancier and more appealing to consumers, there are quite a few brands that offer different flavours of alcohol, depending on what kind they sell.

Different cultures consume alcohol on different occasions. Some religions in fact forbid their people from consuming alcohol at all, while in some cultures it can be quite normal to consume it on a daily basis. Germany for example may see its major cities flooded with people at bars even at 12 in the noon.

It may be considered okay to consume alcohol in limits, as long as it does not start affecting your daily life. However, it is undeniable that it does make one go into an unnatural state of mind which is why consuming too much of it can disturb a person’s routine.

One major reason why people may get addicted to drinking alcohol may be due to stress and tension, and alcohol may temporarily solve their problem by helping them forget about their unpleasantness or difficult times. Unfortunately, not only can a regular drinker be prone to letting alcohol affect his/ her schedule, but he/ she can also be prone to damaging both the liver and the mind too to an extent.

Being dependent on an alien substance in order to go through one’s day-to-day life isn’t advisable by anybody, unless it is a medically prescribed drug that needs to be taken in order to rectify or control an illness.

CBD for Alcoholism

One can say that alcoholism and stress go hand in hand. CBD is known to control stress and anxiety which means that there is a possibility of it being able to reduce one’s intake of alcohol.

This hemp-derived cannabinoid has many potential benefits, some of which have been proven by researchers and others that are still being studied deeply. For now, one well-known benefit about CBD is the fact that it can help reduce stress and anxiety.

But, Should One Stop One Kind of Intoxication with Another?

As you may falsely believe, CBD isn’t an intoxicating substance at all. Yes, it does come from the same plant that THC (found in marijuana) does, but it is a completely different compound. It helps reduce stress, anxiety, pain, soreness and more, without giving the feeling of a “high” to its consumer.

So, if one is determined to beat alcoholism, or if you’re looking for a natural remedy for a loved one to help him/ her quit alcohol, CBD can make for a great choice.

With regard to how CBD practically helps people quit alcohol, there are still studies that are being conducted. But, if you are determined enough to quit alcohol and get your life back on track, and if your alcohol consumption is due to any kind of stress, CBD may help you to a large extent.

How to Consume CBD?

There are multiple ways in which one can choose to consume CBD, including the following:

  • Orally through capsules and tinctures: This can be the most beneficial way of consuming CBD if your aim is to reduce stress. All you have to do is talk to a medical specialist about how much ton consume, buy capsules or a tincture accordingly and go ahead with your recovery from alcoholism.
  • Lotions/ Creams: This can specifically be beneficial to those who wish to opt for CBD in order to reduce inflammations or pains. All one has to do is massage it on the area affected.
  • Vaping: It may help give an immediate effect but may not last as long as the others do.

Do ensure to visit a medical professional in order to understand more about whether or not to go ahead with your CBD purchase, and to understand how much consumption to start with.

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