Before jumping to facts and figures, let’s understand what CBD is in the first place.
CBD is derived from the hemp plant, just like marijuana is. It however, doesn’t give a “high” like marijuana and other cannabinoids do that are extracted from hemp. Marijuana is prescribed in small amounts by psychiatrists in some countries in order to ease depression and anxiety. However, the number of countries that medically allow the use of the drug is a very tiny number which is why CBD is a good alternative to the same, since it doesn’t give a “high” feeling due to its lack of THC levels.
Even though there is no solid proof about CBD helping with curing depression in specific, there are examples of situations where it can be used to help with the same.
CBD for Anxiety Leading To Depression
One of the main uses of THC is to help individuals who experience anxiety. Even though anxiety and depression aren’t the same, they share very similar symptoms and in most cases go hand in hand. If one experiences depression, anxiety can possibly kick in too and vice versa.
CBD for Chronic Pains, Inflammation and Soreness Leading To Depression
Those who experience chronic pains due to various illnesses have a hard time going ahead with their day to day activities which can lead to depression. Having continuous soreness, inflammation or pain is no joke. CBD helps ease these symptoms which in turn assists with carrying out their daily activities which can certainly lead to reduced levels of depression.
CBD for Stress Leading To Depression
CBD is known to have calming effects on people which can help during stressful times like panic attacks before a public speaking event and more.
What Research Says
According to researchers, the reason why CBD may cause a positive effect on the brain is due to its impact on the serotonin levels in the brain.
Since low serotonin levels are in most likeliness the reason for depression, the impact of CBD on how the chemical receptors react to serotonin is a positive one even though it may not necessarily intensify or increase the levels.
According to a study on animals, researchers found that CBD helped produce both antianxiety and anti-depression effects.
However, one must keep in mind that there hasn’t been much research conducted yet with reference to CBD for depression and that studies may improve gradually thus changing the way and reason one must use it for.
CBD vs. Clinically Prescribed Medication for Depression
CBD may be beneficial when one urgently needs to treat or reduce depression since clinically prescribed drugs take longer to show an effect- they may take up to a few days.
Also, the side effects of CBD are known to be lesser in comparison to clinically prescribed anti-depressants, whereas the result may be similar. CBD taken over a certain period of time, say for a few months or a year combined with therapy can possibly help reduce depression considerably; quite similar to the combination of anti-depressants and therapy or counselling.